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Season -

6d 9h left


Masters 1
plant obligation
plant bonus
pure bonus
wind banned


Masters 2
pure obligation
plant bonus
pure bonus
beauty banned


Masters 3
plant obligation
plant bonus
pure bonus
earth banned



  • - Dragon search by name is now more dynamic and responsive.


  • - You can now search for "Skills" by category.
  • - The latest skills are highlighted for a more streamlined experience.


  • - The website's frontend has been completely revamped, with smoother navigation, a more intuitive interface, and optimized performance across all devices.
  • - "Gale" and "Arachne's" scores has been reassessed due to gaining a second copy of their abilities through training. Their scores and placement on the tier list have been updated accordingly, until this bug is fixed, if it ever is.


  • - Tier List, Arena Meta, and Dragons Arena Ranking have been reworked and optimized for easier and faster usage.
  • - Advanced Search has been redesigned to be more user-friendly and intuitive.
  • - When enabling Skins in the Arena Meta and Tierlist, each skin will be displayed individually, alongside the original dragon, to highlight the power increase for each one.
  • - FEEDBACK: A new variable has been added to score calculations, replacing the previous method that only considered Defending elements. The algorithm now calculates both offensive and defensive power for each element dynamically.




  • - We recently learned that "High Elusion Evader Dragon" has an inherent 15% damage increase and a 5% HP increase, so we’ve updated it accordingly.


  • - High Severed Extractor's Ruby Skill Skin has been nerfed for a specific group of users:
    - The damage stat of "Severance" has been reduced from 3500 to 3000.


  • Changes to how skin buffs work on opposing dragons:
    - Previous Version: If you owned a skin, its buffs would apply to all instances of the designated dragons, including those controlled by the opponent, even if the opponent's dragon did not have the skin equipped.
    - Current Version: The game now checks if the opposing player owns the skin(s). If they do, the skin(s) buffs will apply to their dragons, regardless of whether the skin is equipped.

    (Not all dragons are included in this change, as some skins still function in the old format. Click here for more information.)


Gameplay Bugs:

  • - Speed Bug: Extra turns are granted when they shouldn't be.
  • - Atomic Ace Bug: "Atomic Ace" skills can miss the "Evasion" aura skill.
  • - Arena Chest and Trophy Count Bug: If the last dragon is defeated by damage from "Plasma Parasite" or "Ruling Parasite", the kill is not counted toward the Arena chest or trophy rewards.
  • - Redemption Reincarnation Bug: The Redemption Reincarnation skill does not trigger if the dragon is defeated by Life Steal skills, Thorn damage, AoE skills, Multi-Hit skills, Emergency Damage skills, or Carry Damage skills.
    - If the defeated Redemption Dragon has a phoenix perk, it will have a second chance to trigger the reincarnation skill, provided it is not defeated by the aforementioned skills again.
  • - Strategist's Bug: The "Hyper Shot" passive does not activate if the critical hit is triggered by an ability, except for "Gale" and "Beau".

Visual Bugs:

  • - Karma Absorption Bug: The absorption visual effect appears even when no absorption occurs.
  • - Shield Twinkling Bug: If a Titan or Corrupted dragon takes a bench hit (or sometimes a normal hit) that destroys its shield, the shield will appear to twinkle, even though it is no longer functional.
  • - Damage Pulse Overlay Bug: Occasionally, "Turbo Shock" and "Hyper Shot" leaves the attacked dragon with a persistent white damage-pulse overlay.